DYNAMIC- EXPRESS is the UNIQUE DIGITAL FITNESS to quantifying Physical fitness level

Dynamic-Express uses a convenient “POLAR” strap with a Bluetooth transmitter to collect R-R interval variability data for analysis. The evaluation is performed during exercise on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill and takes approximately 25 to 30 minutes to administer. The results of the analysis are presented in a user-friendly interface, are conveniently stored in the client database, and can be printed at any time.
Fitness evaluation by Dynamic-Express is based on the analysis of two parameters:
1. Physical reserve level, which incorporates information regarding chronotropic myocardial reaction, exercise intensity, and length of the FAST RECOVERY period. The FAST RECOVERY period is calculated as the time at which R-R intervals reach 72% of the individual’s baseline.
2. Dynamic ability level, which is based on the functionality of all regulating mechanisms involved during the workout and evaluated as the LONG RECOVERY period. The Dynamic-Express system utilizes a new approach for assessment of the LONG RECOVERY period by determining the time at which all regulatory mechanisms, including autonomic regulation, return to the individual’s baseline.
PRICE: $2900 - preinstalled on Windows based tablet PC
NOTE: Bicycle-ergometer not included - sold separately